need me say more? Who the hell in gaming wont know about the BURNOUT series.
Finally.For the first time,the long-running,crash-happy console game make it's FIRST appearance on the PC.
The game is have the usual interesting mix of themes like
Road Rage, Race, Stun Run and they have 2 new theme's like Marked Man and Burning Route.
When u start Paradise City in the main menu,u can hear Gun's & Roses classic rock song "paradise city" in the background.While in the game,you first star with a crappy american muscle car with Dj Atomika in the background giving you suggestions.
(you remember Atomika from the recent game don't you). The graphic in this game is well detailed and to me, it's nicer graphic compare to NFS-Undercover, as you drive around the city,u can see your minimap willl show up a few coloured circle like Blur,Green,Red,Yellow and Orange.
Blue-Race (race will spawn a number of opposing AI's)
Red-Road Rage ( you are tasked to drive AI's into a very horrific accidents, use a big and strong car)
Green-Stun Run ( earn point by jump's,drifts,billboards,barrel roll and boost - NOS in this case to win this event )
Yellow-Marked Man ( you need to get from point A to B with 2-3 tough AI trying to get you off the road )
Orange-Burning Route,Midnight run (complete solo race with a specific model to get a better version of that car ) Just drive into that area and hold ↑ + ↓ button and it will instantly star the race with Dj Atomika telling you where you start and where you end before the race, the best thing about all this races, not like other race car games. This game doesnt mark out a route for you to follow, you are free to use any way you like to win the event, just try not to crash too much or get last,that wont turn out good.The driving/free-roam in this game is magnificent. It's unrealistic play mode makes the game more enjoying rather then spending every second to tidious perfection. The event and car's in the game is challenging,to master an event or to try the speed or handling of the new car from the junkyard is all part of the enjoyable point of the game and like most game,the higher level your at,the more difficult it's gonna be by winning an event. To gain/unlock new cars you must either win an event with a star or after some event u wan, there will be an intro by Atomika saying that this car is now crusing around paradise city,to gain this car, u must crash it. And after that u can roam around the city finding the car and crash it,then u head to the junkyard to try out the new ride.By compleating events ur licence will upgrade too,my current one is Grade A licence, and the other licence are a blur to me still.If u roam around the city,u may spot some unique shop like the Repair Shop,Paint Shop and the Gas Station.AutoRepair- to repair you car INSTANTLY
PerfectColour PaintShop- randomly change the color of your car
5 Fuel&Mart- instantly max your Boost/nos bar
As you drive around the city and between events you'll spot features scenery like Red Billboards,Yellow Fences and Super Jumps and 10 parking lots to find.These are like secondary objective's in the game and there is HUNDREDS of them,this take time but it's fun.There are a bunch of con in this game like..WHY THE HELL IS THERE NO DRIVER IN EVERY SINGLE CAR! and WHY CANT I RESTART THE FUCKING RACE! and many more..last additional thing i want to add is,the bikes(yes,u heard me..BIKES!) are kinda awesome in this game,which u can select male or female rider, but there is only 4 bikes available to choose from.The Ending ☺Paradise would have the cohesion it lacks,But it's still a super fun game to play and it present you with a giant island for opportunities for crashing and enjoying yourself.Just what i wanted:)-Kelvin Tay a.k.a Cmd.Greeit's fast,furious,crashable and not slow and stupid.おやすみなさい and ありがとうございました,